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Moo Like a Goat!

Stitch Glossary

Ladder Stitch

bead diagram

Ladder stitch is usually used to attach two distinct beaded pieces or to shape a three dimensional piece.

  1. Either tie a knot in a new cord or use the tail of a piece to be joined to string through one corresponding bead in the edge of each piece.
  2. Run the cord vertically to the next edge bead down and string horizontally back through the next two edge beads.
  3. Pull tight and repeat.

Double-Needle Ladder Stitch

bead diagram

Double-needle Ladder Stitch is used to create flexible sheets of beads like a simple cuff or the body of a bead critter.

  1. String the first row of beads onto your cord.
  2. Note which direction the cord is entering and leaving the row of beads you just added. String the other end of the cord back into the same beads in the opposite direction as the first end. Now your project should look like the picture, with the second row of beads connected to the previous row on either side.
  3. TROUBLESHOOTING: After pulling tight, are the two rows of beads parallel to each other? If not, you may have strung both ends of the cord the same direction through the beads.
  4. This is the double-needle ladder stitch. (Even if we're not using needles at the moment.) We use this technique for the body and tail of our critters.


series of beaded fringe diagrams

Fringes are used for decorating a base shape by running cord out of and then back into the base. A fringe can be as small as a single bead, but typically consists of multiple beads that make up a straight frings, round fringe, or a combination. Fringes can be used to make the extremities of bead critters or to add texture to larger pieces.

Straight Fringe

  1. String a row of beads onto one end of the cord.
  2. Fold the same end of the cord back on itself, skipping the first bead and running back through the rest towards the base of the fringe. Pull snug.
  3. A variation of this stitch involves skipping more than one bead at the end. This is what makes the fingers of a paw, the handle of a leash, etc.

Stopper Bead

a red cord tied around a single bead in a half-hitch

Stopper beads are used to hold down the end of a cord that will be tied back into the piece later.

  1. String a cord through a single bead.
  2. Tie a half-hitch around the bead with one end of the cord.

Even Peyote

Odd Peyote


Last updated: August 22, 2024

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