animated gif of a pink cityscape scrolling to the left

Moo Like a Goat!

Honeycomb Stamps

Welcome to Honeycomb, a hexagonal stamp layout. Honeycomb stamps are designed to fit in with classic rectangular stamps, as well as in interlocking Honeycomb layouts. My stamps and HTML layouts are free to use and modify noncommercially as long as this page is credited. Please see individual stamp sets for terms of use. The stamp template comes with built-in effects and styles.

Please note, I encourage you to download and rehost any stamps you would like to use. Thank you for keeping this website free!

If you interested in hosting your own honeycomb stamps here, please email me at .

My Stamps

13_plus hexagonal stamp 16_plus hexagonal stamp 18_plus hexagonal stamp access hexagonal stamp adhd hexagonal stamp adult hexagonal stamp agender hexagonal stamp any_prns hexagonal stamp aquarius hexagonal stamp aries hexagonal stamp aromantic hexagonal stamp aseprite hexagonal stamp asexual hexagonal stamp asexual_ally hexagonal stamp ask_me hexagonal stamp autism hexagonal stamp autistic hexagonal stamp bisexual hexagonal stamp blind hexagonal stamp cancer hexagonal stamp capricorn hexagonal stamp carpet_01 hexagonal stamp carpet_02 hexagonal stamp carpet_03 hexagonal stamp carpet_04 hexagonal stamp carpet_05 hexagonal stamp carpet_06 hexagonal stamp carpet_07 hexagonal stamp carpet_08 hexagonal stamp closed hexagonal stamp cottagecore_01 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_02 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_03 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_04 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_05 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_06 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_07 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_08 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_09 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_10 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_11 hexagonal stamp cottagecore_12 hexagonal stamp csp hexagonal stamp deaf hexagonal stamp demiboy hexagonal stamp demigirl hexagonal stamp disability_ally hexagonal stamp disability_pride hexagonal stamp dyslexia hexagonal stamp firealpaca hexagonal stamp g_plus hexagonal stamp gemini hexagonal stamp genderfluid hexagonal stamp genderqueer hexagonal stamp gimp hexagonal stamp he_him hexagonal stamp he_they hexagonal stamp holo_01 hexagonal stamp holo_02 hexagonal stamp holo_03 hexagonal stamp holo_04 hexagonal stamp holo_05 hexagonal stamp holo_06 hexagonal stamp holo_07 hexagonal stamp holo_08 hexagonal stamp html hexagonal stamp intersex hexagonal stamp it_its hexagonal stamp leo hexagonal stamp lesbian hexagonal stamp libra hexagonal stamp medibang hexagonal stamp minor hexagonal stamp ms_paint hexagonal stamp music hexagonal stamp neurodivergent hexagonal stamp neurodivergent_ally hexagonal stamp No NSFW Stamp hexagonal stamp no_minors hexagonal stamp nonbinary hexagonal stamp nsfw hexagonal stamp open hexagonal stamp ophiuchus hexagonal stamp osdd_alter hexagonal stamp osdd_did hexagonal stamp osdd_host hexagonal stamp osdd_osdd hexagonal stamp osdd_plural hexagonal stamp osdd_system hexagonal stamp paintdotnet hexagonal stamp painttool_sai hexagonal stamp pansexual hexagonal stamp pastel_01 hexagonal stamp pastel_02 hexagonal stamp pastel_03 hexagonal stamp pastel_04 hexagonal stamp pastel_05 hexagonal stamp pastel_06 hexagonal stamp photography hexagonal stamp photoshop hexagonal stamp piggie_yawn_heart hexagonal stamp pisces hexagonal stamp procreate hexagonal stamp progress hexagonal stamp rainbow hexagonal stamp sagittarius hexagonal stamp scorpio hexagonal stamp sfw hexagonal stamp she_her hexagonal stamp she_they hexagonal stamp straight_ally hexagonal stamp straight_ally_text hexagonal stamp taurus hexagonal stamp template hexagonal stamp they_them hexagonal stamp traditional_media hexagonal stamp transgender hexagonal stamp transgender_ally hexagonal stamp virgo hexagonal stamp xe_xem hexagonal stamp ze_hir hexagonal stamp Alpha hexagonal stamp twenty-sided die hexagonal stamp eggbug hexagonal stamp Endless Fantasy hexagonal stamp neopets eyrie hexagonal stamp Animal Crossing Isabelle hexagonal stamp neopets Kass minion hexagonal stamp Night in the Woods Mae hexagonal stamp Moomin hexagonal stamp Oatchi hexagonal stamp Cucumber Quest Peridot hexagonal stamp Pui Pui Molcar hexagonal stamp Girl from the Other Side Shiva hexagonal stamp Girl from the Other Side Teacher hexagonal stamp Animal Crossing Tom Nook hexagonal stamp Vylet Pony hexagonal stamp Witch Hat Atelier hexagonal stamp

Created by Others

Thank you for your donations! These stamps are free to use with a link to their creators.


black cat hexagonal stamp firefox with a red dripping border hexagonal stamp flag with seven stripes--dark blue, teal, yellow, and white towards the center, with a red infinity sign over a white circle. hexagonal stamp jiji hexagonal stamp melody hexagonal stamp nine stripe pride flag hexagonal stamp toki pona hexagonal stamp tynk hexagonal stamp



abrosexual hexagonal stamp acespec hexagonal stamp adhd hexagonal stamp aroace hexagonal stamp aroacespec hexagonal stamp arospec hexagonal stamp autistic adhd hexagonal stamp autistic hexagonal stamp bigender hexagonal stamp blue clown hexagonal stamp boyflux hexagonal stamp catgender hexagonal stamp red clown fabric hexagonal stamp peeking clown hexagonal stamp did/osdd hexagonal stamp disabled hexagonal stamp friendly Krabby Patty hexagonal stamp girlflux hexagonal stamp green clown hexagonal stamp honey comb cell hexagonal stamp meatbug hexagonal stamp ocd hexagonal stamp oddcore road hexagonal stamp pangender hexagonal stamp pupgender hexagonal stamp yellow clown hexagonal stamp


alolan meowth hexagonal stamp alolan ninetails hexagonal stamp budew hexagonal stamp callie sp;atoon hexagonal stamp cherrim hexagonal stamp chikorita hexagonal stamp combusken hexagonal stamp croconaw hexagonal stamp dunsparce hexagonal stamp flaaffy hexagonal stamp grarrl hexagonal stamp jumpluff hexagonal stamp keith haring hexagonal stamp keith haring hexagonal stamp magcargo hexagonal stamp marill hexagonal stamp mega gardevoir hexagonal stamp misdreavus hexagonal stamp phanphy hexagonal stamp grayscale pikachu hexagonal stamp grayscale pikachu hexagonal stamp grayscale pikachu hexagonal stamp grayscale pikachu hexagonal stamp piplup hexagonal stamp prinplup hexagonal stamp raichu hexagonal stamp scruff a luvs bunny hexagonal stamp scruff a luvs cat hexagonal stamp shinx hexagonal stamp slowpoke hexagonal stamp sneasel hexagonal stamp suicune hexagonal stamp sunkern hexagonal stamp totodile hexagonal stamp turtwig hexagonal stamp wooper hexagonal stamp


asexual flag with a sparkling bisexual heart hexagonal stamp asexual flag with a sparkling aromantic heart hexagonal stamp asexual flag with a sparkling pan heart hexagonal stamp animated art fight hexagonal stamp art fight hexagonal stamp animated deviantart hexagonal stamp deviantart hexagonal stamp animated discord hexagonal stamp discord hexagonal stamp graysexual flag with a rainbow heart hexagonal stamp white, blue, and pink pride flag with a pan heart hexagonal stamp white, blue, and pink pride flag with a bisexual heart hexagonal stamp animated characters hexagonal stamp characters hexagonal stamp animated twitter hexagonal stamp twitter hexagonal stamp


Alcest hexagonal stamp OC hexagonal stamp Tamagotchi hexagonal stamp Windows 98 dialup hexagonal stamp Windows 98 internet click hexagonal stamp Windows 98 my computer hexagonal stamp Windows 98 paint hexagonal stamp Windows XP MSN hexagonal stamp Windows XP paint hexagonal stamp Transparent Windows XP hexagonal stamp template


Agustin hexagonal stamp Alma hexagonal stamp Antonio hexagonal stamp Bruno hexagonal stamp Camilo hexagonal stamp Dolores hexagonal stamp Felix hexagonal stamp Isabella hexagonal stamp Julieta hexagonal stamp Julieta hexagonal stamp Luisa hexagonal stamp Mirabel hexagonal stamp Pepa hexagonal stamp Ella hexagonal stamp keroppi hexagonal stamp puripurii hexagonal stamp togepi hexagonal stamp balloons hexagonal stamp bananas hexagonal stamp berries hexagonal stamp blueberries hexagonal stamp Bolo de cenoura hexagonal stamp candy corn hexagonal stamp candy hearts hexagonal stamp caramel popcorn hexagonal stamp care bears hexagonal stamp cereal marshmallows hexagonal stamp cereal marshmallows hexagonal stamp chocolate drops hexagonal stamp chocolate hexagonal stamp coconut hexagonal stamp cookies hexagonal stamp cool kids never sleep hexagonal stamp corn hexagonal stamp crystal clear hexagonal stamp crystals hexagonal stamp donut hexagonal stamp donut hexagonal stamp ducks hexagonal stamp fries hexagonal stamp fruity loops hexagonal stamp glitter stars hexagonal stamp candy hearts hexagonal stamp jelly berries hexagonal stamp kidcore hearts hexagonal stamp kiwi hexagonal stamp lamen noodles hexagonal stamp lemon hexagonal stamp love candy hexagonal stamp marshmallow hexagonal stamp candy hexagonal stamp oranges hexagonal stamp candy hexagonal stamp candy stars hexagonal stamp pizza hexagonal stamp popcorn hexagonal stamp purple waves hexagonal stamp popcorn hexagonal stamp popcorn hexagonal stamp sour gummy worms hexagonal stamp strawberries hexagonal stamp strawberries hexagonal stamp night lights hexagonal stamp paper stars hexagonal stamp waffle hexagonal stamp watermelon hexagonal stamp WORM hexagonal stamp redbubble hexagonal stamp rubiks cube hexagonal stamp OCD hexagonal stamp no NFTs hexagonal stamp Pansexual hexagonal stamp


anime kid with blank white eyes barfing rainbow hexagonal stamp deku yelling hexagonal stamp bakugo yelling hexagonal stamp white biting teeth on a black background hexagonal stamp anime girl putting in a giant sparkly pupil like it is a contact lens hexagonal stamp pastel cute hexagonal stamp rainbow ditzy gay hexagonal stamp evil stamp with devil horns hexagonal stamp erainbow ww! hexagonal stamp eyeball with two rainbow wings hexagonal stamp eyeball with four rainbow wings hexagonal stamp blue flame wrapped in chains hexagonal stamp scene fluttershy hexagonal stamp rainbow gay hexagonal stamp rainbow gay idiots hexagonal stamp red anatomical heart hexagonal stamp anatomical heart hexagonal stamp smiling rainbow guy hexagonal stamp animated rainbow hearts hexagonal stamp flashing rainbow pikachu hexagonal stamp playstation hexagonal stamp rainbow queer hexagonal stamp rainbow blobs hexagonal stamp rainbow blobs hexagonal stamp rainbow with a planetery ring hexagonal stamp rainbow with a planetary ring and a star hexagonal stamp windows 95 hexagonal stamp


three-eared stick figure bunny bouncing around hexagonal stamp


avocado sushi hexagonal stamp cactus hexagonal stamp california roll hexagonal stamp cloudy hexagonal stamp coffee hexagonal stamp first quarter moon hexagonal stamp full moon hexagonal stamp ikura sushi hexagonal stamp black on white kofi logo hexagonal stamp white on white kofi logo hexagonal stamp white on blue kofi logo hexagonal stamp white on black hexagonal stamp lightning hexagonal stamp red mushroom hexagonal stamp new moon hexagonal stamp pumpkin hexagonal stamp gray raincloud hexagonal stamp white raincloud hexagonal stamp sun wearing sunglasses hexagonal stamp with a white border  hexagonal stampwith a gradient border flat colored sushi hexagonal stamp lightning and rain hexagonal stamp sun hexagonal stamp with a white border sun hexagonal stamp with a gradient border sushi roll hexagonal stamp cup of tea hexagonal stamp third quarter moon hexagonal stamp tuna sushi hexagonal stamp waning crescent moon hexagonal stamp waning gibbous moon hexagonal stamp waxing crescent moon hexagonal stamp waxing gibbous moon hexagonal stamp white on green webtoon logo hexagonal stamp green on white webtoon logo hexagonal stamp


rainbow wireframe cube hexagonal stamp blender hexagonal stamp teal gel hexagonal stamp krita hexagonal stamp xenia the linux fox hexagonal stamp xenia the linux fox hexagonal stamp super smash bros 64 mew hexagonal stamp nights hexagonal stamp pokefur hexagonal stamp procedural generation hexagonal stamp teal hexagonal stamp

Macaque (credit isn't required, but appreciated!)

aro ace flag hexagonal stamp bigender hexagonal stamp bpd flag hexagonal stamp bpd flag with text: bpd hexagonal stamp bridget hexagonal stamp butch flag hexagonal stamp butch flag with text: butch hexagonal stamp demi aro ace flag hexagonal stamp femme flag hexagonal stamp femme flag with text: femme hexagonal stamp rainbow stamp with text: he she_her hexagonal stamp lain hexagonal stamp LEGO Monkie kid hexagonal stamp two girls with pigtails and a pink circular arrow hexagonal stamp black background with a white arrow and underscore dividing a diagnol stripe into purple and red hexagonal stamp zorua hexagonal stamp


deadpool hexagonal stamp deadpool logo hexagonal stamp raven hexagonal stamp bartimaeus hexagonal stamp fire hexagonal stamp tiled pentacle pattern hexagonal stamp pentacle hexagonal stamp  hexagonal stamp plague mask hexagonal stamp skully hexagonal stamp star trek hexagonal stamp ocean wave hexagonal stamp  hexagonal stamp fish scales hexagonal stamp nandor hexagonal stamp nimona hexagonal stamp penne hexagonal stamp salmon hexagonal stamp spaghetti hexagonal stamp lego monkie kid sun wukong hexagonal stamp


R74n hexagonal stamp

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial


The Queer Villain Pride flag was created by Distressed Egg and is licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC 4.0 International. It may be shared and adapted for non-commercial purposes with appropriate attribution.

queer villain hexagonal stamp

Free to use without credit

eevee hexagonal stamp eevee hexagonal stamp eevee hexagonal stamp emolga hexagonal stamp espeon hexagonal stamp espeon hexagonal stamp espeon hexagonal stamp flareon hexagonal stamp glaceon hexagonal stamp glaceon hexagonal stamp glaceon hexagonal stamp heliolisk hexagonal stamp jolteon hexagonal stamp leafeon hexagonal stamp leafeon hexagonal stamp leafeon hexagonal stamp sylveon hexagonal stamp sylveon hexagonal stamp sylveon hexagonal stamp umbreon hexagonal stamp umbreon hexagonal stamp umbreon hexagonal stamp vaporeon hexagonal stamp vaporeon hexagonal stamp vaporeon hexagonal stamp confused cat hexagonal stamp dracula hexagonal stamp pink venus symbol hexagonal stamp furry robin hood hexagonal stamp dinosaur hexagonal stamp max the dog hexagonal stamp ryuk hexagonal stamp velociraptor hexagonal stamp Dio hexagonal stamp



Download Code

To use this code, wrap your stamps with a div using the class "honeycomb" and one of the following layout classes: "hc-2" through "hc-12" for infinite-length sections N stamps wide, "hc-mini" for a hexagonal group of maximum 7 stamps, or "hc-hive" for an oval-shaped group of maximum 17 stamps. The selections above use "hc-12".

Stamps inside links now tile properly.

Honeycomb Mini
test hexagon test hexagon test hexagon test hexagon test hexagon test hexagon test hexagon
Honeycomb Hive
rainbow hexagonal stamp sagittarius hexagonal stamp scorpio hexagonal stamp sfw hexagonal stamp she_her hexagonal stamp she_they hexagonal stamp straight_ally hexagonal stamp straight_ally_text hexagonal stamp taurus hexagonal stamp template hexagonal stamp they_them hexagonal stamp traditional_media hexagonal stamp transgender hexagonal stamp transgender_ally hexagonal stamp virgo hexagonal stamp xe_xem hexagonal stamp ze_hir hexagonal stamp

Tailwind 2.6

These codes are intended for use with Tailwind 2.6 and may not be compatible with other versions.

Honeycomb Hive: (profile layout) A fully-loaded profile layout for coding novices or people who want to slap on some new colors and hit the ground running. Honeycomb Hive features a customizable header, text box, and three links, as well as 17-18 hexagonal stamps that rearrange to fit smaller screens. For a classic bee theme, use this background image set to Cover. For a more personalized feel, box and text colors can be changed to any of these options.


Honeycomb Simple: (code block) Just the basics--a grid of stamps and that's it. For adding to existing codes or keeping your profile extra minimalist.


Honeycomb Mini: (code block) The original seven-stamp layout in a bite-sized package. Honeycomb Mini grids can be inserted into Honeycomb Hive or Honeycomb Simple layouts if you ever find yourself needing more stamps. (Because who has ever had enough stamps??)


Also check out Honeycomb hexagon stamp layout generator for Tailwind.


Want to use these on or another Bootstrap-powered site? Let me know!


Download PSD Template


  • Basic and novelty frames
  • Standard background colors
  • Pride flags
  • Pronouns and other basic text
  • Striped flag templates
  • Update 0.3: Added webcore and slime frames, system/neurodivergent/rating text, 13+ rating (cartoon blood)
  • Update 0.4: Fixed compatibility with PS, consolidated folders, added transparent PNG templates for compatibility with more art programs, moved to for hosting.


Thanks to PinkCaracal, whose stamp template inspired me to design this layout. Her stamps are also compatible with the Honeycomb layout.

Font used: Matchup

Last updated: July 11, 2024

Button. Text: The web is yours. Button: Leprd. Button: Text: Hand-painted. SN. Button. Flashing text reads: Say no to Web3. Keep the web free.
Button. Text: The Yesterweb. Whoa. Text: I support the right to repair. Button. Text: Powered by HTP. Button. Text: Web 14.

Link back

Moo like a goat button Moo like a goat button by Xbleaxhx