animated gif of a pink cityscape scrolling to the left

Moo Like a Goat!

Special Sauce on Neocities

Each site is assigned a score from 0-100. "Special Sauce" lists sites by descending score. Followers, views, likes, profile comments, and being featured all factor into the initial score. In addition, penalties are applied for brand new sites, being blocked a lot, and extremely high API calls. Finally, scores decrease over time since the last site update.

  • Each follow is worth 1/10 of a point, for up to 30 points.
  • Each view is worth 1/10,000 of a point, for up to 20 points.
  • Each like is worth 1/100 of a point, for up to 20 points.
  • Each profile comment is wirth 1/10 of a point, for up to 10 points.
  • Being featured confers 20 points.

To score 100 points, a website must have:

  • 300 followers for 30 pts
  • >200,000 views for 20 pts
  • >2000 likes for 20 pts
  • >1000 profile comments for 10 pts
  • Featured for 20 points


  • 50% penalty for following fewer than five sites and having fewer than ten files on your own site.
  • 50% penalty for commenting fewer than 20 times.
  • 90% penalty for having over 500,000 API calls OR you have no followers and have been blocked by five people OR if you have been blocked by over 6% of your follow count.

Time score gravity:

The score decays exponentially* with the number of days since a site's last update.

  • 1 day: 100%
  • 2 days: 80%
  • 10 days: 50%
  • 30 days: 36%
*the formula is 1/(days^0.3)

This information is based on Neocities source code as of September 5, 2024. If you would like to see the up to date source code, it's here.

Last updated: September 13, 2024

Button. Text: The web is yours. Button: Leprd. Button: Text: Hand-painted. SN. Button. Flashing text reads: Say no to Web3. Keep the web free.
Button. Text: The Yesterweb. Whoa. Text: I support the right to repair. Button. Text: Powered by HTP. Button. Text: Web 14.

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Moo like a goat button Moo like a goat button by Xbleaxhx